Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fronts part 3...

Puppies are 4 months old in these pictures. This is just about the time I let the girls go to their new homes. I happened to have boy #2's owner come over and so got his pictures as well. Unfortunately boy #1 is no longer in the pictures. One of these days I am hoping to get a chance to see him again. You might all ask Richelle, as she knows the owners of him and I think has seen him most recently! :-)

Boy #2

Girl #1

Girl #2

1 comment:

Léo said...

VBG- don't you love the awkward puppy stages? Moving past puppy legginess...

The wrap of the shoulder, upper arm and forearm seems right to my eyes on all three. Girl #1 has more of a drop seen better in the side view.

They look like wiggly puppies still, stretching awkwardly. Girl #1 is pressing herself forward and showing off her prosternum.

At what point do you say a little turn out is ok. I see a bit starting on the boy and maybe a little on girl #1 on her left foot but #2 girl is still straight forward. Oh but I remember on the boy and girl #1 they are sitting and every Cardi I've seen turns out more when they are sitting than when they are standing.