For those wondering what happened at the puppy party is the quick run down...
Mulan and Cinderella (now Gwyneth) left for their new homes this weekend.
Peter Pan is off to grow up at Yolanda's house (via Dayl's house) and our fingers are crossed that he will be a show dog some day!
Belle and Aladdin leave early this week to their new homes.
Ariel has a home pending and you may be seeing her in the show dog world as well.
Simba is currently available. Yes, you heard that the red/sable male is looking for a home. I am sure he will find a home soon. Please email me if you are interested and if you have already inquired, please email me again so I make sure I know who still is searching for a puppy.
And finally...well Pocahontas was spoken for BUT after Evan sat and cried in my arms that she was leaving Saturday evening and being totally attached to this puppy from the start...I have told Evan that he can keep her for now as long as he helps with her training. We will play it by ear and see how it goes but I can't let her go unless Evan is ok with it. (and yes, she is one of our picks in the litter, so you may see her in the show ring as well...Evan might even let me show her. :D)
Thank you to all the breeders who came over to see the puppies. It was great to get a chance to have some down time and share ideas on evaluations. I am also glad that many agreed with what my evaluations were.
Sweet 16
3 days ago
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