Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Papillon puppies coming in May!

I *think* we may have two litters of Papillons coming in May. The first one is definitely confirmed. Second is a possibility but not confirmed yet (Mom and I think we feel something, but we should be able to really tell in another week or two). Here are the parents to be...

Jareaux Rumor Has It La Ren SOM


Gala Walden Best of Both Worlds
(Janis felt 3-4 puppies possible)


Joyvnture Bats in the Belfry


Arbeitsheim Carnival Faire


Dawn said...

I have been spending time with some paps recently and find that I realy enjoy them. How are Cardis with paps?

Emily said...

I know some who have had both in households easily. I personally don't have them run together unless I am supervising. I know other breeders who have had both breeds in the past with success. They are extremely smart and agile. Everyone needs a pocket pet!